Dear Raleigh — Love Runologie 2
It’s getting a little hot in here isn’t it. With the temperatures rising and humidity suffocating, we’re beginning to break a real sweat here. We haven’t stopped for a water break or to smell the spring blooms even for an instant. We’ve kept the events coming thick and fast this spring.

With the thought of long summer miles looming on the horizon, we’ve been bringing in the shoes to make every mile your best mile. To start, the Nike Vaporfly 3 Prototype color-way dropped in the shop. If you didn’t see them, neither did we. They sold out so fast we barely had time to take pictures with them. They’re like a rare animal in the wild now. If you see someone wearing them, don’t blink or you’ll miss them. They’ll be back soon…
Don’t worry though, we didn’t stop there with the new drops. After that we had the Nike Pegasus 40 come out! The Nike Pegasus is now 40 years old. We celebrated as any 40 year old would celebrate, cotton candy, free stickers, and a run. Imagine a 40th birthday party for Runologie….. We should probably start planning that. You’re invited, of course, just give us some time to plan.

I know I know, you’ve been wondering about our posts with the NCSU track and field team. Well it’s nothing crazy. We had a cookout, played corn hole, and tie-dyed shirts. Just a bit of fun to take the edge off before ACCs. I’m thinking it worked cause they cooked the competition. I mean seriously they need to have the ACC champs here in Raleigh more often because we seem to bring fast times and box-office races every time of asking. Maybe they should move NCAAs here too? It has got to be better than Eugene.

I guess we can’t talk about a great atmosphere without talking about Run For Love. We had a little run through Dorothea Dix Park where we raised some money for the LGBT Center. Okay we’re downplaying it a little bit. We had 1,700+ people sign up for this race. We raised over $40,000. Most importantly, we had an incredible start to pride month with one of the biggest parties Raleigh has seen. Trophy and Pendo helped make the day special so we can’t forget them. Also the drag show? Incredible. If you missed it then you should have FOMO. If you were there, thank you. Same time next year?
Now we have to bring up the racing that happened at the Sir Walter Pop-Ups over the month of June. The races were fast and the turn out was incredible. I mean you had people racing all types of races: 4x400s, miles, two miles, 5ks, and 800s. Everyone out there was hitting new personal bests across all the distances. Raleigh must have the fastest overall population. I don’t know. I’m thinking a California versus North Carolina meet would be the only real competition. Maybe an east coast versus west coast race should be on the cards in the future. Alright I’m getting away from the point which is that Sir Walter has put on some great pop-ups this summer.
They all culminated in the Sir Walter Championship at the end of the month. Let me set the scene like a great movie trailer. (movie trailer voice) This summer, the fastest amateur runners in the Triangle Area race one mile, 4 laps, one winner to see who will get a shot at the ultimate glory. Racing the Pros at the Sir Walter Miler. Don’t miss out on June 29th. (cut to all the contributing members of this fake movie trailer). Well you missed out if this is your first time hearing about the race. It was a fast race from both the men and the women. They’ll represent us amateurs very well against the pros.
Anyways Raleigh, we’re a little slow sending you this letter, but I hope it keeps you up to date with our shenanigans. Anyways we need to start getting ready for the Sir Walter Miler. We’ll see you at Run Club.