48th Hour of 4x4x48
The 48th hour of the 4x4x48 felt like a great piece of classical music. The drums begin to beat louder as the string section builds tension on each note. The brass begins to sound off in unison and build in volume. The violin begins much of this action as it winds up with slow, long notes that pierce the ears. All of these incredible instruments and performers coming together in a crescendo that leaves the audience inspired.
Perhaps the violin that begins to wind up the audience was Eric. Performing long, slow miles throughout this event. Just like the violin, Eric drew people in with a piercing message of “Finish on empty, but Empty ain’t easy.” The community subsequently responded with a beating of the drums to support him. People from different running backgrounds and paces came to the shop to partake in it. As in any great symphony, there were slow sections that acted as a foil to the subsequent beautiful cohesion where every instrument harmoniously plays.

Each person who showed up to the run during the past 48 hours played an instrument in the symphony. Without everyone showing up to support Eric, it wouldn’t have been the beauty that it was.
Within the final hours of this run, you could feel the swell of energy around the shop. The sun showed through the clouds while the temperature rose, and people began to flood in to spend more time with Eric and the crew. The morale rose as well. Everyone was happy and excited to be there in light of having ran 40 odd miles. The time began to fly by. Each run, incredible people brought energy and passion that made the shop fun. As we headed towards the 48th hour it didn’t feel like the end, but maybe the start of something.
Thank you to Nike and everyone who came out to make it a special few days.
I’m nevertheless very tired now. Just trying to go until empty.